Additional CompTIA Certifications

You can earn some, or all, of the Continuing Education Units (CEUs) you need to renew your existing CompTIA certification by passing a separate, qualifying CompTIA certification exam. The number of CEUs you can earn depends on the certification you already have and the new one you are completing.  

Earn All Required CEUs

Learn more about CompTIA certifications that can fully renew your existing CompTIA certification.

Earn a Portion of the Required CEUs

The following CompTIA certifications will earn you some, but not all, of the CEUs required to renew your existing certification. Click on the certifications below to see how many CEUs you can earn. 

SecurityX ce
CompTIA CySA+ ce, CompTIA PenTest+ ce
CompTIA Cloud+ ce

Cloud+ (CV0-002)
Grants CEUs for: Network+ (15 CEUs)

CompTIA Linux+ ce

No partial CEUs granted

CompTIA Security+ ce

No partial CEUs granted

CompTIA Network+ ce

No partial CEUs granted

CompTIA DataSys+ ce

Grants CEUs for: A+ (13 CEUs)

CompTIA Data+ ce

No partial CEUs granted

CompTIA A+ ce

No partial CEUs granted

How to Earn and Receive Your CEUs

If you plan to get a qualifying CompTIA certification to earn CEUs toward the renewal of your existing one, please make sure that it meets the following requirements.

  • Timing: Your new CompTIA certification must be earned during the three-year renewal cycle of your existing CompTIA certification.
  • Relevance: CompTIA has preapproved the number of CEUs you can earn toward your current certification by earning another CompTIA certification. The number of CEUs you can earn varies by certification.
  • CE Fees: CE Fees are not waived if the higher-level CompTIA certification does not fully renew the lower-level certification.
  • Documentation: Submit the completed CompTIA certification using the “Earned a CompTIA Certification” activity option in Certmetrics to receive CEUs.

    Your submission must include a copy of the CompTIA certification or transcript and contain the following information:

    1. Your name
    2. Name of the certification
    3. Date the certification was earned

    Please note, training completion certificates, score reports and emails are not valid submissions.