Mar 1, 2018, 01:20 AM
Debra B. McCraw
On February 22, CompTIA and Apex Systems hosted their latest #ITJobsChat on Twitter and talked about how to grow in your career and move up to the next level.
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Feb 28, 2018, 22:45 PM
Kara Bush
Earlier this week, CompTIA hosted a "Preparing the Future Workforce though Computer Science Education and Coding" in Phoenix, Arizona. CompTIA in partnership with Apple held a two hour training/education session for legislators and staff to better understand the industry and need for computer science. A hands-on coding session was introduced to legislators and staff in a new, fun and interactive coding experience called "Everyone Can Code using Swift Playgrounds."
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Feb 26, 2018, 22:26 PM
Jason W. Eckert
Today, Linux is the most diverse and aggressively developed operating system in the world, primarily due to its open-source nature. And if you work in an IT field, you’ve probably been exposed to more Linux in the last few years than before.
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Feb 23, 2018, 21:08 PM
Seth Robinson
Even though IT jobs have been hot for a while now, the market is reaching fever pitch. As companies continue down the path of digital transformation, they are gaining an appreciation for how being tech savvy can separate them from the pack.
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Feb 22, 2018, 23:01 PM
Susan Kostbar
Susan Kostbar, director, member relations, vendor and distributor, CompTIA, shares her impressions of the association’s recent DC Fly-In.
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Feb 21, 2018, 21:25 PM
Daniel Margolis
By bringing so many thought-leaders in tech together in one place and creating a space to share best practices and dialogue, the CompTIA Community Forum will impact the tech industry at large. Far from business as usual, CCF has the feel of a working meeting – moving items straight into action onsite.
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Feb 21, 2018, 17:28 PM
Jennifer Sherwood
There is no denying that cloud computing and cloud technology are growing. Cloud systems are becoming the norm, with physical ones slowly being phased out. As this industry develops, so do the job opportunities. And the best part is that there’s a fit for everyone. Here are five cloud jobs that should be on your radar.
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Feb 20, 2018, 00:16 AM
Brian Sherman
Change is coming fast, and the incoming generation of tech-savvy workers is only going to accelerate the transformation. It’s time for providers and others who haven’t already made the leap forward to get busy.
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Feb 19, 2018, 20:52 PM
Courtney Quinn
Two years. That’s how long I worked in IT before fully understanding what infrastructure meant. Sure, I had a textbook definition, but as with all things IT, the textbook answer is only one part of a bigger picture.
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Feb 19, 2018, 18:32 PM
Lana Sansur
On the morning February 14, we held the Capitol Hill Speaker Series at the 2018 CompTIA DC Fly-In. It featured high-ranking officials from the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Homeland Security and provided Fly-In attendees with an informative overview of government priorities for the coming year around the tech agenda. It also gave attendees added knowledge of tech issues before hitting the halls of Congress for Fly-In meetings.
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Feb 19, 2018, 18:16 PM
Lana Sansur
Blockchains have emerged as possibly one of the next big transformational technologies for government use in an effort to provide citizens with easy, online access to services and transactions. Blockchain technology is also at the forefront of many private industry sectors, including banking, real estate, and health care.
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Feb 19, 2018, 17:58 PM
Lana Sansur
Earlier this year, the FCC concluded its broadcast incentive auction, which repurposed 84 MHz of low-band broadcast spectrum for (primarily) licensed wireless use. While this spectrum will go a long way towards boosting wireless connectivity and capacity, it represents what is likely the last time such a large swath of low-band spectrum (below 3 Ghz) will ever be available at auction.
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Feb 19, 2018, 17:51 PM
Lana Sansur
Our nation relies on a modern, highly-skilled workforce to remain competitive and innovative in today’s global economy. Yet current policies are inhibiting our ability to find and retain top-talent as well as cultivate a sustainable long-term talent pipeline that is required to achieve a strong 21st century workforce. At the 2018 CompTIA DC Fly-In, our Tech Policy Summit kicked off with a panel titled “Taking a Holistic Approach to Achieve a Skilled America” which examined high skilled immigration reform, improvement to STEM education curriculums, and job training.
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Feb 19, 2018, 17:49 PM
Lana Sansur
The annual 2018 CompTIA DC Fly-In kicked off with a working lunch on Tuesday, February 13 to bring attendees up to speed on the CHANCE in Tech Act, (H.R. 3174 and S. 1518). The legislation was built from meetings and feedback from last year’s DC Fly-In and presents an important opportunity to create a stronger pathway for apprenticeships within the technology sector.
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Feb 15, 2018, 18:46 PM
Natalie Hope McDonald
The battle lines in the potential legal war over encryption – privacy versus accessibility – have been drawn. Now the big question is what could happen next, and how could it impact consumers and cybersecurity overall.
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