Trade Policy Impact Calculator for "What if" Scenarios

CompTIA member BPE Global developed a free calculator that allows you to take your company's import data and with the push of a button, get a fact-based data sheet that shows the impact of the President's proposed trade policies to your company.

CompTIA member BPE Global developed a free calculator that allows you to take your company's import data and with the push of a button, get a fact-based data sheet that shows the impact of the President's proposed trade policies to your company. The findings are based on President Trump’s January 26, 2017, statement of a 20% tariff on imports from Mexico, as well as proposed trade policy statements during the campaign including a 45% tariff on imports from China and a 5% tariff on all imports.

You company’s trade compliance officials that operate your company’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) can simply take the ACE information and insert it into the calculator which then analyzes data based on your imports in 2016. By running your ACE data through the calculator, you can give your senior management a fact-based view of what new tariffs your company will have to consider when setting your company strategy and estimating your potential profit (or loss) in the future. The ACE data is free, the tool is free, it's all calculated by you on your local computer and the insights could be invaluable to your company.

As part of CompTIA’s advocacy efforts, we encourage you sharing these key business insights with your management team and to write to your Members of Congress regarding the impact that the proposed import tariff will have on your company. To access the automated letter click here

The free calculator can be downloaded here.

BPE Global will also be offering free webinars to address any questions regarding using the calculator and analyzing the results. To register, access the BPE website, or email

Please contact Ken Montgomery and Stefanie Holland for further information or if you are interested in participating in CompTIA’s advocacy efforts to showcase the importance of imports to the technology sector. 

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