The Company You Keep Can Improve Your Managed Services Business

The seventh annual MSPmentor 250 list highlights the comprehensive strength of CompTIA’s Managed Services Community and its members. See who made the list, and why the community’s collaborative efforts are truly noteworthy.

Reflected in the headlines — and even in our Top 10 Downloads of 2014 — the current industry buzz is all about cloud and mobility. But despite the hype, one of the fastest growing segments of the IT space gets a lot less attention these days. Managed services, the backbone of virtual service delivery and support, continues to grow at a strong and steady pace. As a matter of fact, the latest research report from MarketsandMarkets predicts the global market will expand from $107.17 billion in 2014 to $193.34 billion by 2019 (at an estimated CAGR of 12.5 percent).

MSPs: Alive and Well

As MSPs thrive, IT services organizations continue to pour time, money and labor into developing these practices. It’s no small feat to start an MSP business from scratch, or to transition from a traditional break/fix operation. For those with little managed services or recurring revenue experience, it’s even tougher.

That was the basis for establishing the CompTIA Managed Services Community approximately five years ago. Channel organizations were clamoring for a vendor-neutral environment where they could discuss their needs and help develop the resources required to be successful in this space. The recurring revenue model was— and remains — a different animal than a straight product or solution sale, and the Managed Services Community has helped create a real business opportunity for many MSPs since its inception.

The educational and training programs they’ve created have been utilized extensively, and the initiatives they develop make a real difference. Their ideas are peer-generated, from real managed services professionals who have walked-the-walk. CompTIA offers a forum and support, but the real strength of the community comes from the solution providers, vendor and distribution executives, and other industry experts who volunteer their time to elevate the managed services profession.

MSP Recognition

The seventh annual MSPmentor 250 rankings, released in late December, highlight the comprehensive strength of this collaborative group. Based on Penton Media’s annual global reader survey and daily coverage of the managed services market, the designation is given to those who have made a significant impact in the managed services space. It identifies the world’s leading and most influential managed services provider executives, entrepreneurs, experts, coaches and community leaders.

In addition to dozens of CompTIA Managed Services Community members on the list, a significant number of their Executive Council team members were also recognized, including:

  • Vince Tinnirello, CEO, Anchor Network Solutions
  • Chris Wiser, CEO, TechSquad IT
  • Frank Picarello, COO, TeamLogicIT
  • Amy Hodge, Director of Community, Connectwise
  • Several of the community’s former executive council leaders and major contributors also made the list:
  • Amy Luby, SVP Sales & Marketing, Jetstream
  • Rob Rae, Vice President of Business Development, Datto
  • Jay McBain, Co-Founder, Channeleyes

With thousands of prospective managed services professionals to select from, the takeaway is that the CompTIA collaboration group draws the cream of the crop. Ideally, every contributing member would be acknowledged for the work they do to help their fellow MSPs, as well as the vendors, distributors and others involved in the burgeoning IT segment.

Their collaborative efforts truly are noteworthy. Collectively, the CompTIA Managed Services Community devotes thousands of hours each year expanding the association’s portfolio of training, education and other practice-advancing resources. Any current and prospective MSP can tap into this virtual warehouse of materials and programs to begin or improve their operations, planning processes and business practices.

The CompTIA team plays a major role as well, helping the community carry out its mission. The research team offers market insight and conducts group-directed studies, while others champion initiatives and programs within the association. Several of these CompTIA employees have also been recognized in the MSPmentor 250 for their managed services expertise, including:

  • Nancy Hammervik, senior vice president, industry relations
  • Lisa Person, director of member communities
  • Carolyn April, senior director, industry research

Jim Hamilton, vice president of member communities, was named a permanent member of the MSP250mentor Hall of Fame last year.

Whether aspiring to be an MSP or simply looking for best practices from the industry’s top experts, the latest awards show why the CompTIA Managed Services Community is truly qualified to help. Their live events include networking and collaboration with many of the top, industry-recognized professionals and attendees get to discuss the latest issues and opportunities in the field. Monthly, virtual events make it easy for members to keep up to date on the latest initiatives and news. 

The collective power of the CompTIA Managed Services Community is strong, and IT professionals are free to join the discussion at any time to benefit this vast reservoir of experience. Up to the challenge? Register to attend the CompTIA Annual Member Meeting March 24 to 26 at the Sawgrass Marriott in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

Michelle Peterson is a communications specialist for CompTIA. 

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