Inclusive language has been a hot topic this year, and rightfully so. Leaders across all sectors are aware of this and recognize their organization’s use of language that is unintentionally exclusive and/or promotes bias. In the IT industry, as well as many others, the use of language that is not inclusive is changing.
“There’s a big adjustment happening in our industry toward using more inclusive language,” CompTIA Senior Director, Exam Services, Carl Bowman explained. “Large and small vendors alike are reconsidering what terms they use to describe technical functions.”
Exclusive language is wording that promotes inequality. It undermines humanity by minimizing the worth and capabilities of individuals from marginalized groups.
Such language creates a culture of exclusivity and can lead to individuals consciously or unconsciously diminishing the contributions, talents and potential of individuals from underrepresented groups. By making the language used on certification exams more inclusive, CompTIA is ensuring every individual in IT is seen, validated and welcomed.
Changing the terms used to describe technical functions isn’t an easy or quick process. The Academy of Software Foundation said that making code and documentation inclusive can be tough and that deploying change across entire repositories often requires a unified team effort.
“What’s more, without a certain level of self-awareness, it may be hard for some people to recognize terms that others may find offensive or disrespectful,” Barathy Rangarajan of DreamWorks Animation wrote. “Language that may not stand out to some people at first glance could provide discomfort to others, such as the formerly common naming convention of ‘master’ and ‘slave’ processes.”
The Wired article “Tech Confronts the Use of the Labels ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’” stated these terms have been in use for more than a century in technical contexts to reference instances where one process is in control of another process.
“The ‘master/slave’ metaphor in technology dates back to at least 1904...organizations have more recently revised language that could be seen as rooted in racism,” Elizabeth Landau wrote. “Sometimes the metaphor is less precise: A ‘master’ may simply lead, serve as a primary resource, or be considered first.”
CompTIA is undergoing the complex exercise of changing the language used on its certification exams to be more inclusive. This change is in line with what is happening within the IT industry at large, so it’s in good company.
Bowman said CompTIA is taking the necessary steps of changing out traditional tech terms for alternative, inclusive language that is bias-free and more culturally aware. For example, “master” and “slave” have been replaced with “primary” and “secondary.”
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Making Certification Exam Terminology Inclusive
The overhaul CompTIA is giving to the language used on certification exams has been happening for quite some time and is an ongoing project. A key part of the project is complete: Making appropriate substitutions for words used to describe technical terms on the exams.
This may sound simple, but Bowman described it as a thorough, exhaustive process. He explained that each term went through a review by a panel of CompTIA Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that comprise the CompTIA Certification Governance Committee. The committee spent a month deciding on most of the key replacement terms. Five months later, they continue to finetune the new terminology that will be used on CompTIA exams.
The purpose of the committee is to ensure CompTIA certifications remain fair, accurate and current by providing support and expertise in a timely fashion during the development of CompTIA’s entire certification exam portfolio. Read more about this committee and the individuals who comprise it.
Examples of Inclusive Technology Terms
“Master” and “slave” aren’t the only terms CompTIA replaced with more inclusive terminology. “Blacklist” and “whitelist” have also been changed to “blocklist” and “approved.” This is an example of how color-related terms were being used in a metaphorical way to describe a feature of functionality. But technical terms don’t have to refer to color to be understandable.
“A stop sign is red, but it is not referred to as a ‘red sign,’” Bowman pointed out. “While ‘stop sign’ is a more inclusive term than ‘red sign,’ it also makes more sense.”
There are better, less metaphorical ways to describe technical functions. It’s not only about equity and inclusion, but also ensures that technical phrases are not open to interpretation and thus confusing.
CompTIA is also looking at terms related to gender. Gender-specific pronouns like he/him/his and she/her have always been avoided - both for gender-neutrality and for clarity - by referring to the job or position itself, such as technician, systems engineer or cybersecurity professional Now, CompTIA has taken it further to use terms like “person hours” instead of “man hours.” Thaisa Fernandes made this point in the Medium article “Inclusive Language Guide for Tech Companies and Startups.”
Here is the full list of CompTIA’s traditional technology terms versus new, more inclusive terms.
Old Term | New Term |
Perimeter network |
Master/slave |
Primary/secondary (or host/client if used in a network context vs. drives) |
Hang |
Become unresponsive |
Blacklist |
Network context: Blocklist or deny list Software context: Unapproved list |
Whitelist |
Network context: Allow list Software context: Approved list |
Specific countries considered enemies of a country |
Foreign adversary |
Native |
Built-in, default, inherent, standard |
Black-box testing |
Unknown environment testing |
White-box testing |
Known environment testing |
Gray-box testing |
Partially known environment testing |
Black hat |
Unauthorized |
White hat |
Authorized |
Gray hat |
Semi-authorized |
Blackhole |
Sinkhole, process vacuum |
Black screen |
Blank screen |
Blackout |
Power loss/power failure |
Brownout |
Under-voltage event |
Inclusive Language Adds Clarity
As noted above, being culturally aware isn’t the sole purpose for CompTIA changing the terminology used on certification exams. Besides being more inclusive, technical terms that are not focused on color, gender, age or other characteristics are often easier to understand. They can be really helpful to a new IT worker or anyone who wants to learn more about IT.
“Changing the terminology we use on our exams is both culturally aware and clarifying of the terms themselves,” Bowman said. “It benefits everyone who takes an exam.”
Wondering when all CompTIA certification exams will include this new terminology? While the process of updating every exam is well underway, substituting the terms in our more than 50 exams worldwide will be an ongoing initiative and one that CompTIA is committed to.
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