Get CompTIA’s Top 10 Blog Entries of 2017!

CompTIA publishes great content year-round through a variety of streams, bringing our membership and the tech industry at large insightful coverage of a wide range of subjects. Our member blog is no exception, and in 2017 we touched on all things tech, from how hackers interfere with health care to how generational differences affect the workforce. Take a look here at our 10 most heavily trafficked articles of 2017.

ThinkstockPhotos-599747270CompTIA publishes great content year-round through a variety of streams, bringing our membership and the tech industry at large insightful coverage of a wide range of subjects. Our member blog is no exception, and in 2017 we touched on all things tech, from how hackers interfere with health care to how generational differences affect the workforce. Take a look here at our 10 most heavily trafficked articles of 2017:

Health Care Under Siege: How One of The Most At-Risk Industries Can Avoid Cyber-Attacks

IT pros are working with health care companies to guard against cyber-attacks. Find out what you can do now to prevent breaches that can cost companies millions in cleanup and compromised brand image.

Predicting the Future as a Service

Now is the time for channel firms to explore new opportunities and develop closer relationships with their clients. To get a better understanding of those customers’ needs and aspirations, and gain more wallet share as they build useful, viable new practices. With a little time and training, IT services firms can be the tech visionary their clients need while boosting their own future prospects. Read on.

Are You Ready for the Worst Possible Cybersecurity Attack?

Even though megabreaches have raised the level of security awareness, the reality is that we may not have seen the worst of cyberattacks yet and may need an even more dramatic event for companies to revolutionize their security policies. Be prepared.

Five Steps for Staying in Front of the Hackers

Given the historic mindset around security – namely, no news is good news – businesses are having a hard time defining proper investments in this critical space. Here are five actions that IT pros and security providers should consider when developing a modern cybersecurity approach. Learn more.

Women in Technology: Four Ways You Can Move the Needle

From big initiatives to casual conversations, there are plenty of things you can do to bring more women into technology jobs — and keep them there. Get started!

Get Samantha Ciaccia’s Story: A Commitment to Giving Leads to a Successful Channel Career

Samantha Ciaccia learned quickly how to adapt and excel in the quick-paced, demanding IT environment. While she credits many for helping her learn the ropes and cope with all those transitions, taking a leadership role in CompTIA communities has surely been a major factor in her success. Read all about her!

Amazon, Managed Services and Retooling Your Business

Should Amazon’s foray into managed services be a major concern to MSPs? In some regards, yes, but only if providers fail to adapt and double down on their customer focus. Rather than viewing Amazon’s move as an immediate competitive threat, MSPs should consider it a catalyst for retooling their own businesses. Read on.

The Shift from Tech to Training for IT Security

The big problem for IT security providers is that their tools no longer differentiate their businesses. The real value is ensuring that end users have the knowledge, skills and training to protect their organizations.

Reality Show Survivor’s Generational Divide Could Be Happening In Your Office

A recent season of the competitive reality show Survivor pitted millennials against Gen X in a battle to break stereotypes that may be similarly playing out in your own office every day. Find out more.

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