CompTIA Hosts Successful NCSL 2017 Jobs Summit at Headquarters

On Tuesday, September 19th, CompTIA hosted the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) for their 2017 Jobs Summit at headquarters in Downers Grove, IL. With over 65 legislators and staff in attendance from across the nation, CompTIA share insight about the tech industry as well as the great work and engagement by our member companies.

On Tuesday, September 19th, CompTIA hosted the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) for their 2017 Jobs Summit at headquarters in Downers Grove, IL. With over 65 legislators and staff in attendance from across the nation, CompTIA share insight about the tech industry as well as the great work and engagement by our member companies. Below are highlights from the event:

  • The Future of American Jobs: How AI and Robotics are Changing the Landscape
  • The “I.T.” Factor: Certifications and Career Pathways
    • CompTIA is the leading global provider of vendor-neutral IT workforce certifications.
    • CompTIA has launched CompTIA AITP, an IT professional association to support students, teachers and tech professionals from resume to retirement.
    • To help identify cybersecurity workforce supply and demand, CompTIA partnered with data analytics firm Burning Glass Technologies, through a NIST grant, to create which covers all 50 states and major metropolitan areas.
    • CompTIA’s philanthropic arm, Creating IT Futures, is implementing programs to reach underserved populations (women, minorities, veterans and the working poor) and create on-ramps for more people to prepare for, secure, and succeed in IT careers. These programs include:  IT Ready Program, Early College STEM programs, NextUp mentoring program, and more.
    • CompTIA is also active in public policy and advocacy at the state and federal level and recently was a driving force behind the introduction in Congress of the Championing New Careers and Employees in Technology (CHANCE in Tech) Act, an interesting model for expanding apprenticeships in the United States.
  • Occupational Licensing: Assessing State Policy and Practice
  • The Role of Afterschool in Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Professionals
  • Lessons Learned in State Education Policy
  • Preparing Next Generation Workers for Success in the Age of Technology Accelerations

Ending the day, CompTIA hosted a legislative reception for legislators, staff, and member companies to mix and mingle! It was a successful event and we were pleased to have the opportunity to host NCSL for their 2017 Jobs Summit!

Kara Bush is the CompTIA Director of Government Affairs Western Region

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