Introducing CompTIA PALS

As we look to continue to find ways to keep members informed about and engaged in the advocacy process, we recently formed a member-based group called the CompTIA Public Advocacy Liaisons (PALS).  CompTIA members who serve as liaisons will act as a bridge between the CompTIA staff in Washington, D.C., and CompTIA members across the country. The goal is to keep the channels of communication open as we all advocate on behalf of the industry.In their first conference call of the year, PALS discusse ...
As we look to continue to find ways to keep members informed about and engaged in the advocacy process, we recently formed a member-based group called the CompTIA Public Advocacy Liaisons (PALS).  CompTIA members who serve as liaisons will act as a bridge between the CompTIA staff in Washington, D.C., and CompTIA members across the country. The goal is to keep the channels of communication open as we all advocate on behalf of the industry.

In their first conference call of the year, PALS discussed important pieces of pending legislation and outlined steps that CompTIA would take to address each one. Legislation discussed included HR 3606, “JOBS Act” and package of Small Business Contracting Legislation.

During 2012, we’ll be in direct communication with the liaisons through conference calls, emails and briefs.  Each PAL will report back to a specific CompTIA Community about significant legislation news, how it affects members, and what members can do to become involved. Additionally, liaisons can report back to our D.C. staff with any ideas, questions or comments that the community and its members may have.

This type of ongoing dialogue will help mobilize and strengthen our expanding grassroots base by making it easier for you, our members, to have a say in the advocacy process as well as increase your networking opportunities. With your help, PALS will serve as key link for members across all levels of CompTIA.

Currently we have PALS representing six member communities: Advancing Women in IT, IT Business Growth Professionals, IT Security, IT Services and Support, MSP Partners, and Small Business Owners. Please get to know your CompTIA PAL at your next community meeting, engage with them and let them know what is important to you. We would love to hear what you have to say!

We look to have each member community represented by a PAL soon. If you have any questions or would like to become a CompTIA PAL, contact Matthew L. Evans, manager, public advocacy.

Email us at for inquiries related to contributed articles, link building and other web content needs.

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